Privacy policy
Privacy Policy
Identification data of the company:
Vicky Foods Products SLU
NIF: B96694823
Registered office: Avinguda d’Alacant, 134, 46702 Gandia, Valencia
Phone: 961021000
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia: volume 5901, folio 221, page V-56661
1. The person responsible for the processing of your personal data
Vicky Foods Products SLU
NIF: B96694823
Postal address: Avinguda d’Alacant, 134, 46702 Gandia (Valencia)
Phone: 961021000
2. General information
Your trust is important, which is why we take the issue of data protection very seriously and pay attention to taking the necessary security measures.
The person guarantees that the personal data provided to Vicky Foods Products SLU They are true and you are responsible for communicating any changes to them.
Vicky Foods Products SLU complies with the guidelines of General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Services. the Information Society, ensuring the correct use and treatment of the user's personal data. To do this, together with each personal data collection form, Vicky Foods Products SLU will inform the person of the existence and acceptance of the particular conditions for the processing of their data in each case.
The forms, use of content and any other means of information that could be found on this Website are aimed at people over 14 years of age, provided that their express consent and acceptance of the privacy policy have been obtained. Vicky Foods Products SLU will not be responsible for cases in which people under 14 years of age have sent personal data through it, and have not certified that they have the express consent of their parents / legal guardians / legal representatives.
In the event that a person declares that they are under 14 years of age and wants to use any of the services provided on this website or any service provided electronically by Vicky Foods Products SLU, the parents, guardians or legal representatives of the minor must submit a signed document, duly identifying themselves and stating that they allow Vicky Foods Products SLU try the data of the minor.
Vicky Foods Products SLU will make reasonable efforts to verify in such cases that consent was given or authorized by the person who holds parental authority or guardianship of the child, taking into account the available technology.
3. Purpose of the data collected:
Vicky Foods Products SLU, as responsible, will process your Personal Data for the following purposes:
Manage your registration as a user of the Platform.
Orders management.
Contests, marketing and other promotions.
Respond to the requests or requests that you make through the Customer Service channels available on our Platform.
General business purposes, such as conducting internal marketing and demographic studies, as well as measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
Your data will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or until its deletion is requested or your consent is revoked by The interested person.
In the event of a security breach, it will be communicated to the Spanish Data Protection Agency and to the interested parties as quickly as possible, and in any case within 72 hours, unless it is unlikely that said security breach constitutes a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. If it is not possible to provide the information simultaneously, and to the extent that it is not, the information will be provided gradually without undue delay.
4. The legal basis for which Vicky Foods Products SLU could process your data would be:
Through express consent shown by The interested person, accepting the Privacy Policy when registering on the website, for a specific purpose in each case.
If you are a Client or supplier, of a legitimate interest for the maintenance, development or execution of the contractual relationship that binds us.
5. Destination of the data
To fulfill the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, it is necessary that both the company Vicky Foods Products SLU like other Group companies, such as Vicky Foods Products SLU or Dulmadrid SLU, process your Personal Data to the extent that they are directly involved with each purpose.
Your data may also be transferred to other companies of the Group Vicky Foods Products SLU, to the extent that you have given us your express consent.
Likewise, it may also be necessary to provide your Personal Data to third parties that provide us with support services, such as financial institutions, anti-fraud entities, technology, logistics, transport and delivery service providers, customer service and / or analysis of the transactions carried out by this Platform etc. By providing us with your personal data, you authorize us to process and share your information with collaborating entities.
6. Rights of the person concerned:
The user will have the right to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation or portability of this information, by sending a written and signed request, including name, surname and ID, to the email:
In addition, you have the right not to be the subject of a decision exclusively based on automated data processing.
In case you have given us your consent to process your data, you can withdraw it and Vicky foods Products SLU We will proceed to destroy them, such as, for example, sending commercial information, without prejudice to the fact that due to legal obligation or the requirement of a competent authority we have to keep them, proceeding in accordance with the previous paragraph.
Finally, it is reported that the user will have the right to file a claim with the AEPD.
7. Types of data that are required:
Account registration information. Any information that is required to allow you access to your specific account profile.
Technical information on computer / mobile devices. (IP, operating system, web browser version).
Consumer comments. This includes information that you voluntarily share with Vicky foods Products SLU.
Consumer Generated Content. Refers to any content that you create and then share with Vicky foods Products SLU on a social network or by uploading to one of our Websites.
Payment and financial information.
Telephone calls may be recorded, in accordance with applicable laws, to respond to local operational needs (eg for training or quality purposes).
The obtaining of your data may derive from various sources: such as, for example, registration to our web pages, purchase of an online product, subscription to our newsletter or newsletters, subscription of data forms, participation in raffles or raffles.